General Clark Surges to Within Margin of Error of Dean
This is goin to become a 2-man race, the question is when. If it happens soon enough, General Clark can overtake Dean with relative ease. Pay attention to the favorability ratings in this poll, -11 for Dean, +11 for Clark. Dean has his Deaniacs but when it comes time to come off the fence and decide between what is a 2man race at that point, voters will choose the centrist General who can defeat the President.
Like I said, if it becomes a 2-man race, Clark will clean Dean's clock. In an odd quirk, Dean may atually benefit if Gephardt beat him in Iowa because Gep can't win the South but it would allow him to stay in the race lon enough to muddy the waters for Clark. As a Clark supporter, I'll be rooting for Dean to win Iowa thus eliminating Gephardt. Then Clark finishes 2nd in NH wiping out Kerry. Take SC and wipe out Edwards while Lieberman is shut out on Feb. 3 ad you have your two-man race with Clark having all the momentum. If this roadmap looks familiar, it's because it is. It was essentially fellow Arkansan and Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton's road to victory in '92.
Load up on Clark futures NOW.
This is goin to become a 2-man race, the question is when. If it happens soon enough, General Clark can overtake Dean with relative ease. Pay attention to the favorability ratings in this poll, -11 for Dean, +11 for Clark. Dean has his Deaniacs but when it comes time to come off the fence and decide between what is a 2man race at that point, voters will choose the centrist General who can defeat the President.
Like I said, if it becomes a 2-man race, Clark will clean Dean's clock. In an odd quirk, Dean may atually benefit if Gephardt beat him in Iowa because Gep can't win the South but it would allow him to stay in the race lon enough to muddy the waters for Clark. As a Clark supporter, I'll be rooting for Dean to win Iowa thus eliminating Gephardt. Then Clark finishes 2nd in NH wiping out Kerry. Take SC and wipe out Edwards while Lieberman is shut out on Feb. 3 ad you have your two-man race with Clark having all the momentum. If this roadmap looks familiar, it's because it is. It was essentially fellow Arkansan and Rhodes Scholar Bill Clinton's road to victory in '92.
Load up on Clark futures NOW.